Yesterday I did start working. I left Stephen with a list of what needed to be accomplished by everyone in the house. I came home at 1:30 so that I could get Jessi to her volleyball game in time, and they had finished everything that they were supposed to :) We went to the volleyball game--Jessi did pretty well since it was her first game. And did our grocery shopping for the month.
Today I left a list again, came home at 12:00 to get all the kids to Homeschool PE in time, and they did have their schoolwork done...but not anything else on their list. Maybe tomorrow will work out better.
They seemed to have fun at PE--They want to go again. After, Shane and I went to talk to the Forest Service about a merit badge counselor again. The lady we talked to this time seemed very excited about it. She said she would talk to some of the others in the office and see who would be willing. She's going to get back to us by Friday.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
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