Sunday, September 2, 2007

Chicken Pox

Sarah and I had to come home from church early today--She has chicken pox. I didn't notice until the middle of sacrament. She cried for 15 minutes because she didn't want to miss her primary class :) I'll have to tell her teacher. Joe is the only other person in the house that hasn't had them. I guess he's next.

Jessi is enjoying volleyball. She will have her first game next week. She has a lot of enthusiasm for what ever she does.

Jessi, Jacob, and Sarah will be starting a sign language class next week that they are excited about. The homeschool group here is finally getting a few things together. They also have a PE class (that all the kids are excited about), a Greek class (that no one is excited about), and regular park days until it gets too cold. And when it gets too cold we will either rent the community center for free play or go swimming somewhere (an indoor pool with a motel or the hot springs). I have been thinking about starting a board game day once a month at the library also, but probably not until it gets cold.

We are starting the new school year on Tuesday as long as the chicken pox aren't too distracting for everyone that doesn't have them. Joe and Sarah might not get much done this week (or next).

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Poor Sarah! I hope you guys get well soon!