Friday, September 21, 2007

Still Working

I've been working for about two weeks now...It's going ok. The kids get most of their school work and housework done. Most of it... We usually have dinner. Usually... It's not working perfect but it's working ok. I hate being away from the kids though. I have more incentive to be extremely careful with our money next year so that we have money sitting in savings for Christmas and holidays. I'd rather not go this route again. Just two more weeks...

One of the big complaints from stay at home moms is no adult conversation. With this job I talk to no one and am around no one all day. I think I prefer conversations with the kids.

Stephen, Shane, and Jessica are learning a lot about running a household. I think it takes more than what they expected.

Stan has started doing science experiments with Jacob. They have made two different types of refrigerator pickles and had everyone do a taste test. Next they are ripening our green tomatoes in paper bags (5 per bag). They have a bag with one red tomato, one with an apple, one with a cucumber, and five green tomatoes on the window sill. They are seeing which green tomato ripens fastest. They are keeping a lab notebook to record all that they learn.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Home, School, and Work

Yesterday I did start working. I left Stephen with a list of what needed to be accomplished by everyone in the house. I came home at 1:30 so that I could get Jessi to her volleyball game in time, and they had finished everything that they were supposed to :) We went to the volleyball game--Jessi did pretty well since it was her first game. And did our grocery shopping for the month.

Today I left a list again, came home at 12:00 to get all the kids to Homeschool PE in time, and they did have their schoolwork done...but not anything else on their list. Maybe tomorrow will work out better.

They seemed to have fun at PE--They want to go again. After, Shane and I went to talk to the Forest Service about a merit badge counselor again. The lady we talked to this time seemed very excited about it. She said she would talk to some of the others in the office and see who would be willing. She's going to get back to us by Friday.

Monday, September 10, 2007

It's Definitely Monday!

Sarah and Joseph are feeling better...but not looking better. They did some school work today.

We did our read alouds--Abraham Lincoln's World, Story of the World book 4, and Across Five Aprils. Abraham Lincoln's World talks about what is happening all around the world during the time of Abraham Lincoln's life. He is 3yo right now (1812). Story of the World also tells what is happening around the World at a specific time. We are at 1853. I was supposed to read Abraham Lincoln's World over the summer, but we were a bit too busy to actually all be home at the same time. We should finish Abraham Lincoln's World before Thanksgiving. We started Across Five Aprils today. It sounds like a book we will like. It is about a boy who is 9yo when the Civil War starts and ends up having to take care of his family while the men fought the war (I think).

We set up a schedule for cooking meals last night. Stephen cooked breakfast, Jessi is cooking lunch (right now), and Shane will cook dinner. We are preparing for me to go to work. Stan needs someone to help him full time for one month, but they couldn't find anyone to take the job. His boss is willing to pay $15 an hour since they can't find anyone. We decided to see if I could be hired (there are nepotism policies). It would give us some Christmas money and pay off a few bills. We should hear back today if it will happen and if it does I will start work tomorrow.

Well, the kids quieted down, so I guess I should check on them. They have been coming down to tell me all the loving (un) brotherly things they have been doing to each other for the last half hour.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Our First Week of School

We started school Tuesday this week. On Tuesday, I was helping with school work from 9:00 am until 2:00pm. Then we ate a late lunch and did a little more school work. It was pretty frustrating. I thought that I was cutting back on school work time after all! We cut back to the basics so that we could all pursue our interests more. Tuesday night I was trying to figure out what more we could cut to make my day shorter.

On Wednesday, everyone was finished by 10:30 am. I guess it was just a first day thing :)

Part of what Stephen and Shane are doing is Merit Badges for part of Biology. The first ones that they chose to do are Personal Fitness and Forestry. We printed out worksheets for them both from and looked to see where the merit badge counselors were. For Personal Fitness there are 3. They all live in the same neighborhood...45 minutes away. There isn't one in our district for Forestry. I think we should have been working on getting counselors over the summer. Too late now... Shane and I went to the Forest Service office to see if someone would help us. They said come back on Monday. We thought getting one counselor right now was enough, so Stephen is supposed to call one of the Personal Fitness ones but I don't think he has yet.

Jacob, Jessica, and Sarah are trying a lapbook from Knowledge Box Central to go along with Apologia Botany. They seem to be enjoying it, but the girls would like even more lapbooks to do. Jacob doesn't seem so sure. For the next science book I might try to get a lapbook from Live 'n' Learn Press and compare them.

Sarah and Joe both are pretty polka dotted (chicken pox), so didn't really do any school work this week. Sarah did do the lapbook though. Hopefully they will feel better next week.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Chicken Pox

Sarah and I had to come home from church early today--She has chicken pox. I didn't notice until the middle of sacrament. She cried for 15 minutes because she didn't want to miss her primary class :) I'll have to tell her teacher. Joe is the only other person in the house that hasn't had them. I guess he's next.

Jessi is enjoying volleyball. She will have her first game next week. She has a lot of enthusiasm for what ever she does.

Jessi, Jacob, and Sarah will be starting a sign language class next week that they are excited about. The homeschool group here is finally getting a few things together. They also have a PE class (that all the kids are excited about), a Greek class (that no one is excited about), and regular park days until it gets too cold. And when it gets too cold we will either rent the community center for free play or go swimming somewhere (an indoor pool with a motel or the hot springs). I have been thinking about starting a board game day once a month at the library also, but probably not until it gets cold.

We are starting the new school year on Tuesday as long as the chicken pox aren't too distracting for everyone that doesn't have them. Joe and Sarah might not get much done this week (or next).